Online Game Drachenkrieg

Spielinformation Kampfrekorde
Rasse Menschen
Siege 143665
Niederlagen 2257
Getötete Magmaren 250
Rang Vollstrecker
Magieschule: Luft

Geschicklichkeit 134
Intuition 600
Lebenskraft 610
Schutz 137
Stärke 779

Ausdauer 1555
Initiative 50

Intelligenz 216
Konzentration 6
Unterdrückung 15
Weisheit 783
Wille 14

Popularität 133

Siege in Großen Schlachten 67
Teilnahme an großen Schlachten 131
Maximale Anzahl an Crits 170
Maximale Anzahl an Blocks 23
Maximaler Crit 632
Maximale Anzahl an Ausweichschritten 36
Maximale Anzahl an Toden 2
Maximale Anzahl an Morden 94
Maximale Anzahl an Schlägen 299
Maximaler erhaltener Crit 1084
Maximale Anzahl an Fehlschlägen 26
Maximale Anzahl an Schlägen im Block 9

Berufe Landgut
Kräuterkundiger 299
Alchemist 299
Henker 112
Letzte Erfolge
  Erfolge gesamt: 1358  
Beste Erfolge
  Punkte gesamt: 8365  

Persönliche Information Geschenke
Name : I'm a girl теперь Аня :)
Bewohnt die Welt Feo: 15 Jahre7 Mon. 21 Tage
Geburtstag: 8 Januar 1977
Wohnort: Russia
Motto: I can not temporarily play. Write in ICQ 55 22 392
Notizen:: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Two small kittens have quarreled in a corner
The angry mistress, took the broom
Also has put out from kitchen of fighting kittens
Without having consulted thus who who is right is guilty
And business was at night in winter in January
Two small kittens have frozen in a court yard
They have laid down having curtailed on a rug at a porch
Noses have buried in pads and began to wait for the end.
But the mistress has taken pity and has opened a door
- Well? - She has asked - don't quarrel now?
They have passed quietly in the corner on a lodging for the night
From skins have shaken off a cold sleet
And both before an oven have fallen asleep a sweet dream
And the blizzard till a dawn rustled behind a window..........

Store : ne zrja mne bylo..o4en' bol'no tebja bit'..bil i plakal..i murlykal:)))

~~~ (Many thanks -TheBest- ) ~~~

(M) Masha and Anja
(Y) Were tired to stir.
(R) Have decided together in Dwar to play.
(Z) These Zamuhryzhki, very much are pleasant to all =)
(I) Name is simple:
(K) Kittens - Beauties!

~ skype ~ roguish_dog ~

We play on a local network with character -Texas-. Rules it is observed. The request not to block. In advance thanks.

~ Jeweller2008: It is cast by visiting of Rostehnadzor (Murzikam is devoted) ~

I loved Murzikov always, and there was all water.
I have been touched their care which was for two,
They haven't met me when I have come in the end of day,
Have told to me - "there was I in off", smoke normal cigars,
And where cigars here to find - a mistletoe only and magmars,
Also beat me to whom not laziness, day really has been in vain lived?
I will leave for a long time in real, and won't find me magmar,
To hang up damage to me not нада, I will tell in an ear to you on truth,
I love Murzik again, them from me to you not to take away.
Gespeicherte Kämpfe
Kampf mit Monstern The maniac... О_о
Kampf mit der feindlichen Rasse Medley... Or Fight of money of fair =)
Kampf mit der feindlichen Rasse Tin :)
Kampf mit Monstern MYTH: as we on Engu to be at war went :)
Kampf mit der feindlichen Rasse 5 and a half hours of a boob rumpled =)