Welcome to warofdragons! The Guards clan welcomes you!
Any Guard can be asked to clarify this or that question via mail, forum or directly in the chat! Don't be shy, that's what we exist for! Before sending a letter, read the Attackrule, Playing on shared computers, or maybe the Battlefield Requirements. Perhaps you will understand everything without our help! By the way, have you seen the Guides? Honestly, there is a lot of interesting things there!
Did you feel like the Guards was wrong? Don't waste your nerve cells! Hurry up, go to the complaints about chat or Curses ! Find out that your character is behind bars even though you didn't do "anything"? It's time to write a guard!
Don't forget also about the Game Rules , Chat Rules and Forum Rules: those who follow them are unlikely to be touched by the heavy hand of the Guards!
Errors in the game are corrected by the all-powerful Technical Support Service ! Contact her - and everything will be done as soon as possible!
Are you interested in acting as a guard and ensuring law and order? Then visit the forum and apply today! We are waiting for you.
The guards are always ready to answer questions about the rules of the game. Don't hesitate, ignorance doesn't protect you from punishment!
In der Wüste, wo der Sand heißer als die Lava ist, die durch seine Adern fließt, behält er immer einen kühlen Kopf und bleibt gelassen. Die Dünen haben noch keine Bestie geschaffen, die seinem Pfeilhagel widerstehen kann!
Sein Blick lässt dich erzittern: jeder, der die Aufmerksamkeit des Henkers auf sich gezogen hat, ist bald kein Bewohner dieser Erde mehr.
Sein Blick lässt dich erzittern: jeder, der die Aufmerksamkeit des Henkers auf sich gezogen hat, ist bald kein Bewohner dieser Erde mehr.
Durch die Glut zweier im Takt der Liebe schlagender Herzen werden die Fahnen des Gegners zu Asche verwandelt! Wehe den kläglichen Menschen, die sich von der Macht der Liebe beseelten Kriegern in den Weg stellen!