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[EVENT] The Queen's Calling

Your goal: Go to Dartrong Square and speak with Elder Verkiry.
Your goal: Kill 15 monsters at your level, and then return to Elder Verkiry in Dartrong Square. (0 of 15 killed)
P.S.: The progress is not displayed but after you kill 15 monsters, it will give the next quest step. Destroy monsters that are no more than one level below yours
Current goal: Return to the Elder Verkiry at the Dartrong Square.
Your goal: Question Koeshu the Occultist in Clan Burial
Grounds about what happened.
Your goal: Slay a superbeing and bring its Heart to Koeshu
the Occultist in Clan Burial Grounds.
Then Koeshu asks us to make a correct sorting
Answer: Take a piece of chalk - Take a black candle - Take the heart
Your goal: Tell Elder Verkiry at Dartrong Square about the
results of the ritual.
Your goal: Bring 10 Agates , 10 Stone Carp , and 10 Mistletoe
leaves to Maritsa the Witch in Settlement Angrukhon.
Your goal: Speak with Berrush the Demonologist in Faytvor
Your goal: Bring 3 Fireflowers and 3 Cuckoo Flowers to Berrush the Demonologist in
Faytvor Suburbs.
Bring them to Berrush the Demonologist and quest will be done.
Rewards: Ancient Ergam coin 20 pcs, Scroll of Returning to Ergam 1 pcs (if absent)
Current goal: Go to O'Delvays Square and speak with Elder Baguron.
Your goal: Kill 15 monsters at your level, and then return to Elder Baguron in O'Delvays Square. (0 of 15 killed)
P.S.: The progress is not displayed but after you kill 15 monsters, it will give the next quest step. Destroy monsters that are no more than one level below yours.
Current goal: Return to the Elder Baguron at the O'Delvays Square.
Your goal: Question the Necromancer in Vassals' Tombs about what happened.
Your goal: Slay a superbeing and bring its Heart to the Necromancer in Vassals' Tombs.
Then Necromancer asks us to make a correct sorting
Answer: Take a piece of chalk - Take a black candle - Take the heart
Your goal: Tell Elder Baguron at O'Delvays Square about the results of the ritual.
Your goal: Bring 10 Agates , 10 Moon Carp , and 10 Mistletoe leaves to Bludiara the Seer in Thistle Brushwood.
Your goal: Speak with I-Vidi the Demonologist in Grand Fort Suburbs.
Your goal: Bring 3 Fireflowers and 3 Cuckoo Flowers to I-Vidi the Demonologist in
Grand Fort Suburbs.
Bring them to I-Vidi the Demonologist and quest will be done.
Rewards: Ancient Ergam coin 20 pcs, Scroll of Returning to Ergam 1 pcs (if absent)

You can complete a maximum of three quests from Lady Mary per day;
The quest «In Defence of Faeo», which allows you to fight one of the event bosses, is available from Lady Mary in Ergam's Main Square after completing the «Visit Her Cursed Majesty» quest;
You will receive Ancient Ergam Coins for defeating bosses, but you can obtain badges from bosses no more than three times per day. However, the chance to obtain a rarity item will remain;
The Ergam Rarity shop is available from Lady Maria during the event.

Character: Lady Mary
Location: Main Square of Ergam
Your goal: Bring one of the following to Lady Mary in the Main Square of Ergam:
• 3000 mercury

• 3 crystalline coal

• 15 pieces of ragtikron leather

• 15 plates of bubbly metal

• 3 evil eyes

• 3000 pieces of marvelous glass.

Rewards: Ancient Ergam coin 6 pcs

This post has been edited 2 times, last edit by "Aykutluk" (Mar 30th 2023, 11:45am)
Character: Lady Mary
Location: Main Square of Ergam
Your goal: Using a scroll of summoning , fight the Balthazar
under divine enhancement and then return to Lady Mary in the main square of Ergam.
Rewards: Ancient Ergam coin 3 pcs

This post has been edited 3 times, last edit by "Aykutluk" (Mar 30th 2023, 11:46am)
Character: Lady Mary
Location: Main Square of Ergam
Your goal: Using a scroll of summoning , fight the Emperor Scorpion under divine enhancement and then return to Lady Mary in the main square of Ergam.
Rewards: Ancient Ergam coin 3 pcs

This post has been edited 3 times, last edit by "Aykutluk" (Mar 30th 2023, 11:47am)
Character: Lady Mary
Location: Main Square of Ergam
Your goal: Using a scroll of summoning , fight the Bog Elf under divine enhancement and then return to Lady Mary in the main square of Ergam.
Rewards: Ancient Ergam coin 3 pcs

Character: Lady Mary
Location: Main Square of Ergam
Your goal: Using a scroll of summoning , fight Gurraldiy Korr under divine enhancement and then return to Lady Mary in the main square of Ergam.

Rewards: Ancient Ergam coin 3 pcs

Character: Lady Mary
Location: Main Square of Ergam
Your goal: Using a scroll of summoning , fight the Kretch Butcher under divine enhancement and then return to Lady Mary in the main square of Ergam.
Rewards: Ancient Ergam coin 3 pcs

This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "Aykutluk" (Mar 30th 2023, 4:38pm)

For defeating each such superbeing, you can receive an achievement and possibly one of the rare items:

Rare items do not drop 100%. It drops randomly.
You will receive Ancient Ergam Coins for defeating bosses, but you can obtain badges from bosses no more than three times per day. However, the chance to obtain a rarity item will remain.

This post has been edited 2 times, last edit by "Aykutluk" (Mar 31st 2023, 5:01pm)
From now on, Celeste's ghost may appear in Faeo in place of any of the resurrected monsters. Fight her and you will be rewarded with the missing achievement from the holiday series and, with some luck, the last of the new rarity items.

Achievement: Not at My House!
You can also receive Ancient Ergam coin for defeating Celeste's ghost, if you haven't already received them three times for defeating event bosses.
The Ergam Rarity shop is available from Lady Maria during the event. You can check "Time remaining until end of stage: " in the "Events">"Current Events">"The Queen’s Proclamation" tab.

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