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  • "Mr Thunder" started this thread

Posts: 35

Location: International

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Saturday, May 21st 2022, 12:56am

Clan registration

Hello again, I posted last days a call for help regarding my application for a new clan, still no answer from anyone.., I start to wonder if is anyone there...
I followed all the steps, registration forms, 13x13 picture, the only thing I can read on Clan Register is " your applicatian is being reviewed!" since days and nothing happen, suppose to have an answer within few days :(
please advice me (inform me) what to do? becoming really frustrating this waiting time without an answer.., thank you..


Monday, May 23rd 2022, 1:50am


Unfortunately this process can sometimes take longer than listed on the application page.

If more than 7-10 days have elapsed, please drop me Private Message and I can ask to see if there are any updates available.
