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Friday, April 5th 2019, 8:12am

[QUEST] Colors

Weekly knowledge test: 05/04-11/04/2019

There is different colors for quest. What do the colors mean and how would you prioitise them?

Post your answers here.


For all who do not know the game yet some simple rules:
  • Every week (Friday morning) we publish one question to our game:
    Legend. Legacy of the Dragons.
  • From all correct and complete answers up to 5 participants will win one promotional game code each.
  • Only complete and detailed answers will be rewarded. If there is more than 5 detailed and complete answers the most unique answers have the biggest chance to win.
  • Copy and paste-answers will NOT be considered. Same goes for trolling or spamming or inadequate language.
  • Personal attacks on other players in your answers/posts as well will NOT be accepted.
  • Answer must be in English. You can answer in your mothertongue only if you post understandable translation in English in same post as your answer.
  • The winners will be chosen by a mixed team of magmars and humans. The decision will be final.
  • Codes will be sent to winners via private messages in the forum or per post ingame.

Good game and good luck for all! :drink:

This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "Aixlinn" (Apr 12th 2019, 10:51am)


Friday, April 5th 2019, 8:42am

We can find 5 different colors for the missions of the game:

GRAY: They are inaccessible missions, whether you have accepted a yellow mission and you must wait to continue it or simply require a more advanced level to be able to do this mission.

YELLOW: I think they are "common" missions, where you can find ordinary benefits such as experience, some silver coins or green items and armor, are the most missions that are in the game.

GREEN: These are missions that are mostly repeatable, you can do it numerous times to obtain a specific benefit, for example the city's minutes or the events that are presented every month to obtain tokens.

BLUE: These missions are rare because they are only used for certain benefits such as blessings, delivery of efrilos, and some special events such as the month of April... Like gizedor doll.

And last...

RED: As in much of the game the missions and medals of this color are the most important, probably because it is a very striking color is used for this reason. The red missions are very important to know the history of the game and continue with the adventure in each level.

:peace: :peace:


Friday, April 5th 2019, 11:56am

- Story quests that help on your development in game
- Normal quests
- Reccuring quests
- Special quests (blessings, making powerful elixir, signing up for participation in the Tararikon battles, etc).
- Quests available at the next level
- Task reminder
- Clan quests
- Seasonal events quests


Friday, April 5th 2019, 12:04pm

Story quests-its mandaory to take them at starting level .
Normal quest would be the first you do when you level up.
When the seasonal events start, the seasonal quests are your top priority.
Reccuring quest should be also taken into consideration because they may give tokens or blessings
Special ones should be taken each time they are aveilable or you have the necesarry ingredients.
Clan quests (mainly taken by clan leader) should be taken each time since they impact the develeopment of your clan.


Sunday, April 7th 2019, 5:33pm

okay so those that i have encountered so far are:
Red quests - which are very important usually to acces a new area like UW,Fay go, Misty isalands, yeti islands.
Yellow are normal quests.
Green are repeatable.
All of those are with ! in them.
When accepted they turn into gray with ? in them. Those just remind that you have taken a quest from the NPC you are talking to.
Greed with a clock on them are event time only available quests.
Blue with 2 gears on them is used for annualy avaible buffs. like Ullerni, Black dragons, Free BoE drink.
Its also used for repeatable actions like destroying sepulcher coins .


Thursday, April 11th 2019, 5:39pm

The quests are devided into 5 catagories, each catagory are assigned its own color.

There are the Red quests, these are considered to be the main quests. And they have to be completed in the right sequence.

Then there are the Yellow quests, this color is assigned to side quests, which in general has nothing to do with the main quest and can be completed once.

Some quests are recurring, these quests are assigned the Green color.

Similar to the recurring quest, there are the bBue "quests", these are also recurring but not actually quests, its used to recurring blessing or trade of resources.

The last type of quest are the Gray, this color is used for the currently uavailable quests. to see the conditions for unlocking the quest, hover over the icon.


Friday, April 12th 2019, 1:23am

Red quest - It's for main quests, it follows the game history.
Green quest - It's for recurring and seasonal quests.
Blue quest - It's for exhange quest, you bring resources and receive reputation.
No color quest - As a reminder or unavailable quests.