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Saturday, February 19th 2011, 4:10am

Ious event

How is it we can't go to get Fiery Carnelian for the IOUS event but the Humans can come over and mine or fish or pick for this event???
I went behind the castle like I used to go to try to head to fiery carnelian and it says I can't pass. I am also being told this by level 11 and 12 mages that they can't either


Saturday, February 19th 2011, 7:17am

i guess u need rep for passint it... but not sure


Saturday, February 19th 2011, 8:23am

Yea, i think you need kroff rep.

Posts: 3,676

Location: in the land of fairies obviously

Occupation: Captain Obvious

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Saturday, February 19th 2011, 10:21am

You need kroff or eldive reputation, otherwise you cannot pass. I believe the change is since the update.