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Friday, September 13th 2024, 5:39am

plz add chat function


can add moving chat frame around please?

in fight or picking at hunt screen, players would wanna see chat, with full screen of hunt, maybe a separate frame for chat, with prv chat per ID listing plz maybe..

if not clear about the idea, try open any popular online streaming tool and check the chat function..

and plz add chat text search in new game client, i have posted reply in Dwarium feedback pinned post already :woody: Thanks!
hi let's meet in game and have some fun :]
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Friday, October 4th 2024, 2:56pm

players would wanna see chat, with full screen of hunt

not only hunt, any interface in game, is best with full screen, cause game now is much complicated with many stuff added in- game, so chat frame is kind of blocking view on many stuff, many players i know use F7 mode (minimum chat frame) to play
hi let's meet in game and have some fun :]
please use Font size at least 10 for better forum reading


Thursday, October 31st 2024, 4:41am

i posted new reply to new game client feedback thread,

suggesting a chat per ID channel,…4080#post344080

now if that can be done,

add up the popularity to IDs' limit, that'd be so cool lol : :xmasparty:
hi let's meet in game and have some fun :]
please use Font size at least 10 for better forum reading


Thursday, October 31st 2024, 4:41am

that'd be so cool lol :

hi let's meet in game and have some fun :]
please use Font size at least 10 for better forum reading

Posts: 196

Location: My cat's heart

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Thursday, October 31st 2024, 12:40pm

Hello, there is nothing new about this issue right now. But every suggestion is taken into consideration. If a change is made regarding this issue, an announcement will definitely be made. Stay tuned to the news for this!

Have a good game. ^-^
Magmar Guard Magmar Mentor


Please feel free to ask kitty questions about the game! :love:

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