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Thursday, March 11th 2021, 7:42am

Serpagon Hunting 101 @ Azure Lagoon Lvl 11-12 zone

To all level 11 and 12s who wish to hunt Serpagons at Azure Lagoon,

All that I'm sharing here are just common knowledge of how/when Serpagons respawn at Azure Lagoon and the optimum amount of hunters at any single time based on time per kill. These may be already known to some, but I feel it's a need to at least get everyone on the same page. Let me keep this as simple as possible.

Amount of Serpagons in location is dependant on the amount of inhabitants in location.
1-3 inhabitants in location = 2 serpas
4 inhabitants in location = 3 serpas
Additional of each 1 inhabitant in location = 1 serpa per inhabitant (this is not verified but should be roughly correct)
Invisible players DO NOT increase serpa count.

Respawn time of each Serpagon, in my observation, is about ~8 seconds.

Optimum amount of Serpagons/players hunting based on time per kill (not how many hits):
For any 7 seconds or less per kill, the hunter will need a minimum of 3 serpas in location. That would be 4 inhabitants in location, with only 1 hunting.

For any 8 seconds and more per kill, only need 2 serpas in location.

To anyone wanting to start hunting serpas:
1. Please look at Fights -> Current Fights/Completed Battles and check if there's anyone hunting, and also the amount of inhabitants in location.

2 a. If there's none, by all means, start your hunt.

2 b. If there is someone already hunting:
(i) and there's not enough serpas/inhabitants in location, DO NOT START
(ii) and there's alot of inhabitants in location, please ask first BEFORE starting. Some of these people in location might be leaving anytime soon and will end up with insufficient serpas for 2 hunters. Some of the inhabitants in location may be waiting for their turns to start. If there are other level 11/12 in location not hunting, please do extend the courtesy of asking if anyone is there and planned to start hunting.

Some common examples:
1. Player A is doing 6-7 seconds per kill.
- 3 serpas needed, 4 inhabitants in location.
- If Player B wants to start hunt at the same time, what he/she needs to do is:
a. If B does 6-7 seconds per kill, he will need another 3 serpas, that's another 3 inhabitants in location. So a minimum of 7 inhabitants must be in location. BUT considering the fact that there will be alot of clashes of clicking on the same serpa, I would say at least 8-9 inhabitants need to be in location. Best would be wait and not start yet.
b. If B does >8 seconds per kill, he will need another 2 serpas, that's another 2 inhabitants in location. So a minimum of 6 inhabitants must be in location. Again, the problem with clicking on same serpas, so I would say at least 7-8 inhabitants in location.

2. Player A is doing >8 seconds per kill.
- 2 serpas needed, any amount of inhabitants in location.
- If Player B wants to start hunt at the same time:
a. B does 6-7 seconds per kill - 6-7 inhabitants in location
b. B does >8 seconds per kill - 5-6 inhabitants in location

So just a quick recap, it is advisable not to just start your hunt if you see someone already hunting.

Please follow these courtesy actions, if you see someone already hunting:
1. Tell the current hunter you will start after him/her.
2. Current hunter DO NOT do 2nd hour if someone wants to hunt after. DO NOT say "Oh I'm doing 2 hours, so you wait" unless the other person is ok with waiting longer.
3. If a 3rd person comes by and asks, the current hunter should tell him/her that someone is already queued, tagging the 2nd person, let them sort out themselves and concentrate on hunt.

Last but not least, there is only ONE rule that overrides everything above, that is, you get 3 people to location specifically for your hunt. With that, all of you make 4 inhabitants in location, which means 3 serpas, which means you don't need to wait.

So all I'm asking is the coorperation of all who wish to hunt Serpagons in peace at Azure Lagoon.

PS: I've done serpas for 2 years already, I've done <7 seconds, 8-10 seconds and >10 seconds per kill. I know what I wrote here.

PS2: This is only applicable to Azure Lagoon and Humans hunting here. I don't really care about Silent Cove over at the Mag side.


This post has been edited 3 times, last edit by "Sequana" (Mar 16th 2021, 12:06pm)


Tuesday, March 16th 2021, 10:26am

You forgot our Frenchfolk.
If you don't like something I post in forums, go to this website: www.magrareallydoesn't care.troll and fill out a frankie got his feelings hurt report :bllll:


Tuesday, March 16th 2021, 11:29am

Miss French and Italian .... that just for the merged server

otherwise you will have to hunt kroff :lol:


Wednesday, March 17th 2021, 4:30pm

I can explain :shuffle: I have complete faith in the Frenchie and Italianos grasp of the English language thus the ommission :shuffle:
Also, Frenchies don't hunt, all they do is do profession :embarressed: :embarressed:


Friday, March 19th 2021, 3:06pm

Good guide by the true master of serpagons :)


Thursday, April 1st 2021, 4:34am

Cheers Beefy.

This is entirely different in Silent Cove, for some bizarre reason we have less spawns or slower respawns in the location (or it appears so). Seems we need 5 players for 7 sec fights (my experience), and players with 5 sec fights need 5+! I've hunted in your location (sorry!) before and I've found your serps respawn a lot quicker, for example I only need 0-1 more person for 2 shot fights, though haven't done a 1 shot hunt in your loc before so can't comment on that.

I have noticed there have been some instances where players have started their hunt without asking anyone if this was okay, and just telling people "I have brought people here, therefore I have the right to start hunt" when in fact the other player has also brought some people and also have the right to hunt (and I'd dare say a higher priority since first come first served). Sometimes they even start hunts without asking and also without bringing anyone along, which is a worry.


Thursday, April 1st 2021, 2:50pm

This mag D3vi11 is hunting in azure lagoon all the time. doesnt seem to bother you tho


Thursday, April 1st 2021, 2:53pm

As i hit lvl11 i got exed as soon as i hit silent cove. hunting 5 serpas for a quest without any buffs. I didt even know the islands are different territories.

 Innos [13] 


Posts: 897

Location: Pennsylvania

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Thursday, April 1st 2021, 6:11pm

I don't have no fear of death. My only fear is coming back reincarnated.


Tuesday, April 6th 2021, 3:45am

I agree with Hazzelinko!
Respawn speed in silent cove is severely slower compared to lagoon, thus your math wont apply there especially for the 8s serpagons necesitating 2 mobs - needs at least 3 there.
Also Invisible players are considered for mob count, I tried this - a LOT!


Thursday, April 8th 2021, 11:01pm

it is not fair to talk about serpagons if they cannot express themselves



Friday, April 16th 2021, 11:24pm

go lvl 16 and hunt nephs problems solved!