Jesters have a new challenge for you -
A Clan Challenge!
"What do our warriors know about friendship and caring for eachother?",
Elder Baguron brought up the issue. "I mean, look at them. There is only killing, rude language and everyone for himself!" He got himself into a right rage whilst he was talking. It was another meeting of the honorables in Faeo. And this time the talk was about unity and support.
"I think, you see things to dark, my dear!",

Magdalen replied. "Why would they create clans if not to support each other?" - "Yes",
Marietta agreed, " there still is laughter, fun and love out there. Not only hate and war!" - "Hump!",
Baguron mumbled into his jar of Shiz beer. "I really would like to see some examples of what clans are doing these days together!" He looked all but convinced by the girls comments.
The girls started to laugh. "Nothing simpler than that!",

Madgalen said with a cheeky smile. "Yes!",
Marietta went on. "Just ask the clans to show you any episode of their clan life in picture and dialogues."
Is your clan up for the challenge?
Your task:
Describe any episode of your clan life in comic style. You can use game images or your own drawings to create any adventure your clan had or might have in future. Work together as a team in your clan and show the Elder, that togetherness and support still does exist in the world of Faeo!
Terms and Conditions:
- This is a contest for clans only.
- The drawing including dialogues can not contain any explicit sexual material or rude, shocking content.
- The drawing including dialogues must comply with the game and forum/chat rules, which can be found here: Game Rules and Forum Rules.
- The drawing including dialogues should be unique within the project "Legend: Legacy of the Dragons" and must be of your own property. Copyrighted material may not be submitted.
- The drawing including dialogues should be made very detailed and clear. A simple sketch or draft will not meet the criteria.
- Religious symbols may not be contained on the drawing including dialogues.
- The drawing including dialogues should be designed so that it looks and feels like they belong within the fantasy universe of "Legend: Legacy of the Dragons". You may not use references to common everyday motives/objects like mobile phones,
modern guns, modern vehicles; signs of currencies, pacifism, radioactivity; references to real-world sport teams, among other references that fit poorly within the genre.
- Fascist, racist and any other political symbolism may not be used.
- Imagery related to narcotics, drugs, slavery and other illegal activity may not be used.
- Only entries who meet the requirements will be rewarded.
- Every clan only can participate with one entry! The entry should be posted by the clan leader or an official representative of the clan.
- The size of your comic should be between 4 - 12 panels.

Event schedule
01.08. - 22.08.2018
Post your entries before 22.08.2018 15h00 game time
22.08. - 29.08.2018
Jesters will choose the winners.
Put down your swords and get together, warriors, show us that your clan can achieve great things in being supportive and helpful to eachother!
Place here in this thread!

We wish you lots of fun and good luck!