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Account sharing
Weekly knowledge test:04/11-10/11/2016

What is account sharing and which game rule does apply to it?

Post your answers here.
For all who do not know the game yet some simple rules:
Good game and good luck for all!

What is account sharing and which game rule does apply to it?

Post your answers here.
For all who do not know the game yet some simple rules:
- Every week (Friday morning) we publish one question to our game:
Legend. Legacy of the Dragons. - From all correct answers up to 10 participants will win one promotional game code each.
- The most detailed or unique answers have the biggest chance to win.
- Copy and paste-answers will NOT be considered. Same goes for trolling or spamming or inadequate language.
- Personal attacks on other players in your answers/posts as well will NOT be accepted.
- Answer must be in English. You can answer in your mothertongue only if you post understandable translation in English in same post as your answer.
- The winners will be chosen by a mixed team of magmars and humans. The decision will be final.
- Codes will be sent to winners via private messages in the forum or per post ingame.
Good game and good luck for all!

This post has been edited 2 times, last edit by "Aixlinn" (Feb 10th 2017, 1:01pm)
Account sharing is against the rules under section 12a. This includes letting a friend/family member hunt or pick resources for you when you are afk or allowing them to log into your account to collect dailies when you are away for a while. Punishment for this is a curse of rejection with a fine amount depending on level 50g for level 1-5, 150g for level 6-10, 300g for level 11-15 and 500g for level 16+ http://warofdragons.com/info/info/index.…at&id=90&page=5. Use of excuses like 'my cousin did it' 'my brother did it' 'the dog did it' ect when in trouble for another offence is also a confession of account sharing and the offender will recieve a fine according to their level.

account sharing is,when not only 1 people play this account,the player recive curse when he let his brother,sister father etc on his account or he give his e-mail+password to a friend etc
better i write nothing from the curses,before i copy tracy
all good luck
I wish me better Service and a normal Balancing

Account share is when proven facts lead to justified knowledge that certain character is shared. The easiest way that to be caught is if a player log in from many and distant comupers and networks within short period of time. (Excluding your naughty VPNs and Proxys, dear cheaters, coz that also can be caught). Another option is that if someone playing from the same computer a character, self-confess that they are relative/firend or so that had to log in to do some game activity (For example: I am cuisin/brother/sister/etc. of character X, he asked me to open his wand/pick for him/do something for him). That is the situation where a chat log screen-shot can be accepted as solid information. However, unless justified, then nobody can prove if one or more persons are behind one game character. But if proven, then the broken rules can be 12.a. and 12.d. and in cetrain situations 13.b. (when a character is being shared in order of someone to 'play the character' - gather/hunt/ or do game activities for real life payment).
If rules 12.a. and 12.d. are btoken the the penalty will be placed accoudring to pint 3 from the Penalties section.
If rule 13.b. as mentioned above 'playable shared character' for real money then point 3 and 7 will apply. And if the frauds are proven to be higher, then the Administration of the Game reserves the right to change game punishment in each individual case.
DOn't cheat guys and gals, there is no reason to lose your chance to play
Because you know... If one is jailed then all of your characters will be as well..
If rules 12.a. and 12.d. are btoken the the penalty will be placed accoudring to pint 3 from the Penalties section.
If rule 13.b. as mentioned above 'playable shared character' for real money then point 3 and 7 will apply. And if the frauds are proven to be higher, then the Administration of the Game reserves the right to change game punishment in each individual case.
DOn't cheat guys and gals, there is no reason to lose your chance to play

Account sharing is the practice of multiple unique users playing one account for the express purpose of maximizing online time to benefit an account.
Usually people have to go to work or sleep, and to counter this, some people might ask their spouse or friends (from other countries as well), to play on their behalf while they are unavailable.
This may or may not be done in exchange for any payment.
That said, all of this is against game rules 12a, 12d and 13b.
Fines can range from in game currency fine to jail time which can be removed through diamonds.
Usually people have to go to work or sleep, and to counter this, some people might ask their spouse or friends (from other countries as well), to play on their behalf while they are unavailable.
This may or may not be done in exchange for any payment.
That said, all of this is against game rules 12a, 12d and 13b.
Fines can range from in game currency fine to jail time which can be removed through diamonds.
account sharing:
Login by others from different computer, don't share your account. Don't ask for game login ID & passcode from others for reasons like taking care of it and etc., .
You can have multiple characters but may not enter the same fight or participate in the exchange/trade of game items and/or gold.
notice: if you login with an account/ character, then the character better not be logged-in by others on other computers with other Internet access...
you have multiple character, ok, don't let others login them.
while some may say ppl travel from places to places and login, to prove it's you use the same computer, if you have to use other computers... and maybe it's a pub computer and others just happen to play the game on it and you entered same fight(not possible cause only one at a time can use it, maybe it's a GB or long fight you logged off and others joined) and did trade (only via ah/ exchange)... well it's the best all happen randomly for maybe once or two, not so... regularly...you know...
game rules that apply to account sharing:
§1b. (Power leveling and using more than one character
Registration of a second character)
It is allowed to have more than one character on the side of both races, but they may not enter the same fight or participate in the exchange/trade of game items and/or gold. If a player has an additional character that is only used for giving an advantage to his other character, e. g. by only using it for activities that are concerned with obtaining game money and /or items and giving it to the first character this will be regarded as a violation of §1a. The game administration might charge diamonds for compensation.
§12a. §12d. (Transfer or spying on access data, entering accounts of others)
The access data of your own character (login, password) may not be passed on to other players, no matter if this is done for free or of you receive game money or items or real money for it.
It is not allowed to leave the character to other persons.
Login by others from different computer, don't share your account. Don't ask for game login ID & passcode from others for reasons like taking care of it and etc., .
You can have multiple characters but may not enter the same fight or participate in the exchange/trade of game items and/or gold.
notice: if you login with an account/ character, then the character better not be logged-in by others on other computers with other Internet access...
you have multiple character, ok, don't let others login them.
while some may say ppl travel from places to places and login, to prove it's you use the same computer, if you have to use other computers... and maybe it's a pub computer and others just happen to play the game on it and you entered same fight(not possible cause only one at a time can use it, maybe it's a GB or long fight you logged off and others joined) and did trade (only via ah/ exchange)... well it's the best all happen randomly for maybe once or two, not so... regularly...you know...
game rules that apply to account sharing:
§1b. (Power leveling and using more than one character
Registration of a second character)
It is allowed to have more than one character on the side of both races, but they may not enter the same fight or participate in the exchange/trade of game items and/or gold. If a player has an additional character that is only used for giving an advantage to his other character, e. g. by only using it for activities that are concerned with obtaining game money and /or items and giving it to the first character this will be regarded as a violation of §1a. The game administration might charge diamonds for compensation.
§12a. §12d. (Transfer or spying on access data, entering accounts of others)
The access data of your own character (login, password) may not be passed on to other players, no matter if this is done for free or of you receive game money or items or real money for it.
It is not allowed to leave the character to other persons.

please use Font size at least 10 for better forum reading
Account sharing is when more than one person log in with the same account from same ip or different ip , is not allowed as the game rule says (dont wanna talk too much about it because i ll copy tracey's post xD) , you can also find a very useful explain over here in case you play different character from same ip : http://warofdragons.com/forum/index.php?…&threadID=32842 (thank to Sequana
Anyway , is not a problem that people create more than one account in one computer , as i know is also allowed to have one account for each side , but is not allowed spying , refering private or general information , having rigged fights , transaction between same ip accounts , participating of same bf or even single fight .
As personal advice is better not to share accounts in order to not found yourself jailed because other people do wrong stuff .

Anyway , is not a problem that people create more than one account in one computer , as i know is also allowed to have one account for each side , but is not allowed spying , refering private or general information , having rigged fights , transaction between same ip accounts , participating of same bf or even single fight .
As personal advice is better not to share accounts in order to not found yourself jailed because other people do wrong stuff .
Don't be jelous of others, try to care about yours, only after that you will understand what you really have. P.S. Is very very very hard
but i will try my best

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Account sharing (Jan 12th 2012, 5:19pm)