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Greetings dear people Faeo I hope are well.
I want to begin clarifying something and so avoid bad moments later:
This section design I do selflessly with love and dedication, I do not charge anything in return, just use their signature and leave a comment on this thread for so it will spread, if any prize or gift from any player is on their own initiative, which I feel very good to accept.
Being a free labor I hope I can at least try so friendly and thank what I do, because it takes a good amount of hours to finish any work (more defective than the final work look), if this is not true please do not bother to ask me a design.
Cleared that up, here is the new design
Design Surprise # 1
Lady Draculaura and Lord Jeriko
[/ b]
[IMG]][/ IMG]
[b]Signature [/ b]
[IMG][/ IMG]
[b]All samples of support and love that give me thank this keeps me going.
Goodbye, see you next time[/b][/img]
I want to begin clarifying something and so avoid bad moments later:
This section design I do selflessly with love and dedication, I do not charge anything in return, just use their signature and leave a comment on this thread for so it will spread, if any prize or gift from any player is on their own initiative, which I feel very good to accept.
Being a free labor I hope I can at least try so friendly and thank what I do, because it takes a good amount of hours to finish any work (more defective than the final work look), if this is not true please do not bother to ask me a design.
Cleared that up, here is the new design
Design Surprise # 1
Lady Draculaura and Lord Jeriko
[/ b]
[IMG]][/ IMG]
[b]Signature [/ b]
[IMG][/ IMG]
[b]All samples of support and love that give me thank this keeps me going.
Goodbye, see you next time[/b][/img]
Hi again, thanks for your comments, here my next work
Goodbye, see you next time
dirty little pervert, u know admins will remove red items and u only put a cap over Aixlinn's body
Evolution cannot avoid bringing intelligent life ultimately to an awareness of one thing above all else and that one thing is futility.
Por Dios Amigooooooooooooooooooooo
he quedado abrumado, el dibujo es I M P R E S I O N A N T E muchas graciasssssssssssssssss es sensacional tu trabajo pero lo más destacado es el
amor que pones en lo que haces hermano, te felicito y gracias por el tiempo que dedicas siempre con nosotros