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x 9 !!!!!
(3 times for each color)
if some one can explain...
A clanmate of mine had this problem twice, all 6 caskets (2 of each colour) gave him this, the only solution seems to be trying again (or maybe contact admin, idk).18:15 Damp with mould and decay, the chest barely opens, its lock screeching terribly. You put your hand inside and try to feel for treasure, but instead discover, with great disgust, that the old container doesn't have anything except a couple of slimy wood lice! Looks like you'll have to try another of the Spirit of Avarice's chests.
x 9 !!!!!
(3 times for each color)
if some one can explain...
It's better to be silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt. What's even better is to weaponize your words to destroy anyone who dares challenge you.
I think it's because the spirit is not available by default, it's supposed to be not available.again today spirit not available at this time....or maybe there is a new location no one has found yetfrom 22-00 to 01-00 Spirit is unavailable
It's better to be silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt. What's even better is to weaponize your words to destroy anyone who dares challenge you.
Human Side Locations are thus:- (Well they were for me lol)
Avarice Locations
- City Square (Small Statue to left of well in gate wall)
- Baurvill Hamlet (4th small storehouse from the left)
- Settlement of Buimar (Barn to far left)
- Settlement of Klesva (Right Hand Gate Tower)
- Outskirt of Klesva (Tower on Hill)
- Gryphon Crossing (Well on right)
- Luan Coast (2nd Tower from the left)
- Domain of Winds (Little House between 2 with no roof)
Avarice Locations
- City Square (Small Statue to left of well in gate wall)
- Baurvill Hamlet (4th small storehouse from the left)
- Settlement of Buimar (Barn to far left)
- Settlement of Klesva (Right Hand Gate Tower)
- Outskirt of Klesva (Tower on Hill)
- Gryphon Crossing (Well on right)
- Luan Coast (2nd Tower from the left)
- Domain of Winds (Little House between 2 with no roof)