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Sunday, December 24th 2023, 11:59pm

Author: rubecula

[QUEST] The Squire’s Missing Item

Human NPCs are Squire Voldemar, Katiput the Serf and Voluptuous Mary. Instead of foreign fruit and grapes, humans need Gammon and Lump of Cheese. In order to find the pipe go to Light's Edge. or and a red gift

Friday, December 22nd 2023, 10:22pm

Author: rubecula

Celestial Empowerment: Union of Constellations (part 2)

Balthazar Access Scroll: Balthazar - obtained by completing daily activities Possible rewards: Fragments of the perfect bezel of Negation for cuisses Bag of Negation Magic Stones Commemorative coins Bog Elf Access Scroll: Bog Elf - obtained by participating in the Luck Glow, Mirror Magic, Precious Chests events Possible rewards: Fragments of any perfect bezel Any Bag of Magic Stones Commemorative coins Christmas Tree Access Scroll: Christmas Tree - obtained by participating in Crystalline Caves ...

Friday, December 22nd 2023, 10:21pm

Author: rubecula

Celestial Empowerment: Union of Constellations (part 1)

During the Union of Constellations you can fight all empowered creatures in an instance called Stone Heavens. The entrance to the instance can be found in the Cave of War Mages or the Tower of War Mages. The instance is available for 2 hours with a cooldown of 1 hour. You can fight any number of celestial superbeings (but each superbeing can only be killed once) in a single copy of an instance. In order to open the door leading to a superbeing, you need to obtain an appropriate scroll by perfor...

Thursday, December 21st 2023, 8:47pm

Author: rubecula

Celestial Empowerment: Sunken Ship's Captain

Sunken Ship's Captain [5] Skills (in addition to those listed in the first post of this guide): Saber blow Sunken Ship's Captain [5] dishes out a Mighty Swing of the saber, striking up to three enemies. Each of them receives damage equal to 10% of their maximum life force. In addition, the affected enemy will take 10% more damage from any source. Dead Rum Sunken Ship's Captain [5] pulls out a Bottle of Dead Rum and takes a large swig from it. The healing power of the drink will restore the capt...

Thursday, December 21st 2023, 8:46pm

Author: rubecula

Celestial Empowerment: Spider Patriarch

Spider Patriarch [5] Skills (in addition to those listed in the first post of this guide): Weaver of elements Spider Patriarch [5] spins his web slowly, casting the threads onto the warriors who dare to challenge him. The monster can spin either a fire or frost thread - as long as the warrior is entangled with only one of these types, it won't cause him a great deal of harm. But if the entanglement involves two or more fire threads and two or more frost threads at the same time, the web tighten...

Thursday, December 21st 2023, 8:45pm

Author: rubecula

Celestial Empowerment: Queen Andorvane

Queen Andorvane [5] Skills (in addition to those listed in the first post of this guide): Black Arrow Queen Andorvane [5] fires arrows laced with a special poison at all enemies. An enemy hit by these arrows will lose 5% of their maximum life force every 10 seconds and will not be able to deal damage in battle. The only one who can get the allies rid of the curse is a warrior who enters the battle after this ability had been used. Jagged Arrow Queen Andorvane [5] fires a jagged arrow at a warri...

Thursday, December 21st 2023, 8:45pm

Author: rubecula

Celestial Empowerment: Kretch Butcher

Kretch Butcher [5] Skills (in addition to those listed in the first post of this guide): Break Formation The Butcher runs up and jumps into a crowd of enemies, if he sees someone in the block, of course. It hurts a lot. In the Name of the Butcher Seeing their Butcher [5] in danger, the Kretches living nearby are prepared to rush to help their leader and sacrifice their lives, healing the Butcher for 60% of its maximum health over 90 sec. Green Slime This spell removes all current healing scroll...

Thursday, December 21st 2023, 8:44pm

Author: rubecula

Celestial Empowerment: Harcide

Harcide [5] Skills (in addition to those listed in the first post of this guide): Honey Trap Harcide [5] covers the body of one of his opponents with a layer of honey, which reduces the damage inflicted by him by 60%. From time to time, the honey trap switches to another enemy of the Harcide. A warrior who is not trapped in a honey trap can use the healing scroll to free a comrade. However, at the same time, he will find himself in a honey trap. Stinging Blow Harcide [5] stings his enemy, deali...

Thursday, December 21st 2023, 8:43pm

Author: rubecula

Celestial Empowerment: Gurraldiy Korr (part 2)

Crushing Tentacle's [6] skills: In the shadow of a giant Gurraldiy Korr [6] targets the most dangerous foe and raises its crushing tentacle [6] over them. As soon as the tentacle is in place, it unleashes it on the warrior. Destruction With a mighty blow, Gurraldiy Korr [6] pins the warrior who has dealt the most damage to the ground. The target of this ability loses 60% of their maximum life force. Recovering from such a blow is not easy; damage dealt by the warrior is temporarily reduced by 60...

Thursday, December 21st 2023, 8:42pm

Author: rubecula

Celestial Empowerment: Gurraldiy Korr (part 1)

Gurraldiy Korr [6] Skills (in addition to those listed in the first post of this guide): Cutting off a Limb As one tentacle falls in battle, Gurraldiy Korr [6] loses 10% of its maximum life force. However, it then fully heals the remaining tentacle and after 60 seconds raises a new one from the water. Healing Stream The healing waters wash over the body of Gurraldiy Korr [6] instantly expelling all poisons from it. Hulking Giant The blessing of the stars has granted Gurraldiy Korr [6] huge size...

Thursday, December 21st 2023, 8:41pm

Author: rubecula

Celestial Empowerment: Fazgrod Resurrected Ghoul

Fazgrod Resurrected Ghoul [5] Skills (in addition to those listed in the first post of this guide): Soul Extraction Fazgrod Resurrected Ghoul [5] starts to channel a terrible curse, targeting the champion who inflicted the most damage in combat. While this effect is active, at the start of each of its turns, the monster will reduce the damage dealt by the affected enemy by 10%, every time receiving a Soul Fragment. Allies of a warrior affected by a Soul Extraction can break the curse by using a...

Thursday, December 21st 2023, 8:40pm

Author: rubecula

Celestial Empowerment: Emperor Scorpion

Emperor Scorpion [11] Skills (in addition to those listed in the first post of this guide): Stinging Blow Emperor Scorpion [11] deals a powerful blow with its stinger, poisoning the enemy and causing them to lose 40% of their maximum life force over 40 seconds. The poisoned enemy will lose health in the amount of 40% of the damage dealt by them. Summoned creatures take two times more damage from this venom. Lethal Poison Emperor Scorpion [11] injects an enemy with deadly venom, dealing damage i...

Thursday, December 21st 2023, 8:39pm

Author: rubecula

Celestial Empowerment: Edera

Edera [5] Skills (in addition to those listed in the first post of this guide): Grafting Edera [5] infects one of her opponents, causing them to lose 2% of their maximum life force every 10 seconds. After this time expires, Nepherto Sprout will appear on the opponent. Nepherto Sprout Sprout of a carnivorous flower found in the world of Faeo, planted by Edera [5]. Under the influence of rampant growth, the sprout can turn into a Nepherto [6]. Harvest Edera [5] casts a spell that drains life from...

Thursday, December 21st 2023, 8:38pm

Author: rubecula

Celestial Empowerment: Christmas Tree

Christmas Tree [5] You can enter the Christmas Tree's instance by speaking to the Spirit of the New Year.The availability of the Magical tree instance can be checked by using /instinfo command in chat.For defeating the Christmas Tree you receive additional rewards - Magic Snowflakes. For the first victory you can obtain 15 Snowflakes, for each next (up to 5 during a single event) - 3 Snowflakes. Skills (in addition to those listed in the first post of this guide): Gifts under the tree A pile of...

Thursday, December 21st 2023, 8:38pm

Author: rubecula

Celestial Empowerment: Bog Elf

Bog Elf [9] Skills (in addition to those listed in the first post of this guide): Easy Prey Noticing the warrior in a blocking stance in front of it, the o let's out a long wail, making the swampy quagmire slowly draw the enemy in. If the warrior remains in the blocking stance, they will be completely swallowed by the swamp. Quagmire Stuns a warrior who stands for too long without moving. Getting out of the quagmire takes 20 seconds. Life Extracting Poison Bog Elf [9] infects the warrior in fro...

Thursday, December 21st 2023, 8:37pm

Author: rubecula

Celestial Empowerment: Balthazar

Balthazar [3] Skills (in addition to those listed in the first post of this guide): Demonic flesh In the heat of battle, the flesh of Balthazar [3] slowly heats up, going from cold to warm, from warm to hot, and from hot to very hot. But then it begins to cool off again. Demonic flesh - cold - Balthazar's [3] flesh is cold as ice and cannot be hurt by attacking enemies. Demonic flesh - warm - Balthazar's [3] flesh grows hot: his enemies lose mana in the amount of 99% of their damage dealt. Demo...

Thursday, December 21st 2023, 8:36pm

Author: rubecula

Celestial Empowerment Event Guide

Another one of my little guides in your forum. This guide was first published here, and unlike on forum where things tend to disappear for no reason, it will not be removed there. That is also where it will be kept up to date. If you decide to check it out, open the link in a browser, it doesn't work in the current client version. In this guide, for simplicity, I refer to the event bosses as superbeings. However, not all of them are indeed superbeings, so keep that in mind if you require a super...