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Friday, June 10th 2016, 6:34pm

Author: Da Nerminator

Matchday 11-06-2016…ct_id=378784445 Albania 0 : 2 Switzerland Wales 2 : 1 Slovakia England 2 : 1 Russia

Friday, June 10th 2016, 2:50pm

Author: Da Nerminator

Head start: Win up extra points in predicting the ...…ct_id=378784445 Top 3 Germany Spain France Teams in Final Germany vs Spain Winner team of tournament Germany

Friday, June 10th 2016, 2:47pm

Author: Da Nerminator

Matchday 09-06-2016…ct_id=378784445 France 2- Romania 0

Tuesday, August 4th 2015, 9:04pm

Author: Da Nerminator

Window 10

I got 2 updates that are unable to install on Windows 8.1 and can't get the Windows 10 install until the current Windows is up to date. Everytime I check for updates, the same 2 come up, I install them, says they were installed successfully. I restart computer, checlk for updates again, and same 2 updates come up!! Annoying

Tuesday, August 4th 2015, 5:22pm

Author: Da Nerminator

Old Stuff and Marriage Approved ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ and Marriage Approved Good luck to both couples

Wednesday, April 8th 2015, 3:15pm

Author: Da Nerminator

Happy Easter Image poll

"To All" I have not received any prize from this. And yes I entered the contest after the proposed time, I don't deserve to win. Me being a guard has nothing to do with this. I just posted a picture and it went from there. But it is right I posted after the deadline, so _Kenshiro_ wins. There were no rules broken, I'm automatically disqualified.

Friday, March 21st 2014, 1:48pm

Author: Da Nerminator

jeuvenile habu leader

Click on one of the lakes on location screen...the small one on the right

Friday, November 1st 2013, 4:45pm

Author: Da Nerminator

Faeo Gazette

Great Read.!! Looking forward to more

Sunday, June 2nd 2013, 4:09am

Author: Da Nerminator

How works durability with new runes?

Reduces damage received in PvP...not sure how much durability reduces how much damage though. steelblade has 1240 durability, reduced my magic damage by 20

Wednesday, June 27th 2012, 5:48pm

Author: Da Nerminator

Update Thread + Info Log

Hatred's point needs to be adressed ASAP. The Equilibrium should work like lvl 11 kroffs. For them if you are 2+ levels above them they will cut their HP and hit harder. This should be same case for lvl 14 Kroff/eldive. But it's backwards: In unequal combat, where the warriors of the ancient race are clearly outnumbered, an ancient curse is cast to help them. They cast this spell when they outnumber the actual player.

Tuesday, June 26th 2012, 2:55pm

Author: Da Nerminator

Update Thread + Info Log

Получено: 15 репутации Покровителей питомцев. ..for pet reputation

Monday, April 2nd 2012, 4:29am

Author: Da Nerminator

Elaborate plot to waste our blessings?

Moonwalker Quoting you "what did you expect? if you don't understand how the game works, it doesn't mean it's not working properly. They are truly right when they say that information is power )" Cry Cry

Monday, March 26th 2012, 2:21pm

Author: Da Nerminator

Possible Bug , but in my opinion really unfair for the human players

ElricOfMelnibone You just showed the stupidity of your whole race....Go to Polar Badlands and you will find as much snow as you can gather..its open to BOTH races

Tuesday, February 14th 2012, 3:09pm

Author: Da Nerminator

Died in fight

-Hero- That was Chuck Norris and his he saw you were about to win, he used his beard to shut off your interent...Chuck Norris does NOT lose!!!

Wednesday, January 18th 2012, 4:10pm

Author: Da Nerminator

Question about rings

I have a few questions aout these rings coming out every tradefair or event. What purpose do they serve? Is there proof that they help anything in game? What do the numbers mean (ex: +2 charm and +120 charm), what advantage is gained with higher number? The library hasn't been updated in forever and these rings and stats aren't mentioned anywhere. Liking? Charm? Intelligence? Success? Insipration? What is the purpose of these variables? Stats go from +2 to god knows how much...but what is the po...

Tuesday, December 27th 2011, 3:06am

Author: Da Nerminator

Xmas Trade Fair with special Items - closed

yes same with me...i just got money to buy items and thought had until it's 2:05 and it's closed

Monday, December 12th 2011, 4:56am

Author: Da Nerminator

cc tournament

i've killed all 10 immos too and not get to complete feat!!!

Monday, December 5th 2011, 2:21pm

Author: Da Nerminator

I waqnt my items back!!!!

what is the deal with this, it's been 3 weeks now..i need this ring back