Search results
Search results 1-18 of 18.
Sunday, March 10th 2019, 10:52pm
Author: --Creed--
dear players,i wish me better balancing,you too?
someone really must hate your main if they mirror and chain a lvl 2
Monday, February 25th 2019, 10:38am
Author: --Creed--
i dont remember lvl 3 arena ever being that active but i might be wrong as loooong time ago. But this goes both ways with magmars just as humans. BF gets active on events on weekends when non brake and double valor.same old discussion. And this topic should be in city pub
Wednesday, February 20th 2019, 10:14pm
Author: --Creed--
Mages entitlement :lol: Killstealing a non mage
so all in all Lomax has no clue he did anything wrong,(apologized and after that he call steele hostile lmao) and has no clue on mentor guidelines even as he is one? top notch
Friday, April 27th 2018, 12:21am
Author: --Creed--
Forthcoming Trade Mission on the Seven Seas. 2 May 2018
Quoted from "liam321" If Cahal and Riddle weren't capped already they'd have earned tonnes of valour from this epic pvp battle
Wednesday, January 31st 2018, 11:07pm
Author: --Creed--
[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - February Draw
1-3-5-7-9 9-11-13-15 17-19-21-23 25-27-29-31
Friday, September 26th 2014, 11:06pm
Author: --Creed--
Cave Tournament
yep i was in queue for hours and it didnt move in human section while mags rushed to 27 very
Friday, June 6th 2014, 11:46pm
Author: --Creed--
Battle training quest - blessing of warrior's have disappear
ii see the quest avaiilable when ii talk to him iin kklesva but not in recurrent quests...
Saturday, March 22nd 2014, 10:50pm
Author: --Creed--
please delete my account
says the man who coudnt hack iit as a mentor..jeez. no one likkes u here shylark,,mags just as humas as ii recently hear so just let him do his job as u quit that one
Saturday, March 22nd 2014, 7:04pm
Author: --Creed--
For those who don't like techno....This is the Metal topic!
ahhh nice old topic is one band from my small country iceland..u wont understandf a damn thing as its in my language but decent hardcore none the less
Wednesday, January 22nd 2014, 9:18pm
Author: --Creed--
Question/Suggestions for Admins/Developers
great job on the emotes CK..not too be too begging here but any chance we can get the old Horse emote back..
Tuesday, January 21st 2014, 9:05pm
Author: --Creed--
Question/Suggestions for Admins/Developers
Quoted from "Spar" i would like to propose two more emotes for those of you that have skype im sure you will recgonize these :drunk: and my favorite :finger: finger emote most defiinetly!
Tuesday, December 3rd 2013, 8:10pm
Author: --Creed--
Faeo Gazette
simply brilliant! keep up the fantastic work