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Monday, December 9th 2024, 7:55pm

Author: Saphirayu

Streamers and Video-creators

I sometimes stream what i do in the game on twitch. Feel free to join and chat

Saturday, October 5th 2024, 11:13pm

Author: Saphirayu

March 2020 Update Bug Reports

Hello, I hope i'm in the right spot to report a bug. {"clientVersion":"6.8.3","osArch":"x64","osPlatform":"win32","osType":"Windows_NT"} I'm standing on my Estate and use the kennel with NLS enabled. My Item Drops neither appear in chat nor in the loot table, but in the chatlog. Gold and experience is displayed in chat. Current buffs is a standart rainbow power and Ulleriumi. I hunted different monsters and the bug appeared with all available monsters for a Level 12 account. I hope this helps.

Saturday, September 21st 2024, 11:34pm

Author: Saphirayu

Library Feedback

1. Clan Citadelle --> Warehouse 2.…t&id=210&page=5 3. Numbers at Stage 5 are incorrect. They should be 1250 250 250 250 0 0 0 fixed