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Friday, November 17th 2017, 3:48am

Author: darius darkstar

Flying Manbearpig

+ i like the idea of profanity filter. i believe it would be a very popular feature.

Friday, October 20th 2017, 4:56am

Author: darius darkstar

De Players?

Lol its unreal though! theres gotta be something they can buy from premium services that multiplies stun rate. makes you feel alot better when you actually win though

Wednesday, October 11th 2017, 4:04am

Author: darius darkstar

Has anyone succeeded in beating any of these brothers of Eshu?

can anyone drop a guide for all 3 that is not in russian please?

Saturday, October 7th 2017, 9:08pm

Author: darius darkstar

Changes to the date at the last minute to no break session from 9th changed to 6th

its the fact that they put our rare weapons and equiptment at risk without proper notice. also dont act like you know what the hell i do, saying we have gotten lazy and dont do anything. its fine when you know what your talking about, but to bluntly imply i do nothing? lol take that stuff somewhere else man. on that note im done with this thread. im not going to argue or engage in drama. nothing personal Dzaak. still respect.

Saturday, October 7th 2017, 6:03am

Author: darius darkstar

Changes to the date at the last minute to no break session from 9th changed to 6th

Quoted from "Dzaack" 13:11 info: Warriors! Cross-server No-break will be over today at 15:00 Server Time! there was a notice poor notice. moving on how about a good reason.

Saturday, October 7th 2017, 4:35am

Author: darius darkstar

Changes to the date at the last minute to no break session from 9th changed to 6th

sure, but at least give us the courtesy of actually telling us that they shut it off 3 days early

Saturday, October 7th 2017, 2:55am

Author: darius darkstar

Changes to the date at the last minute to no break session from 9th changed to 6th

i sure as hell noticed, no notice, nothing in mail or in the news. any clue as to reason? Admin whats the deal...

Saturday, September 30th 2017, 4:16am

Author: darius darkstar

anniversary quests ... disapeared

Daily token quests wont come back?? HAHA!! stupid.

Saturday, July 29th 2017, 6:03am

Author: darius darkstar

Requests for The Memorial Wall

even for someone who did not personally know any of those on the wall i find this to be a very moving commemoration. Hats off to you Lisad for getting this done very well done

Saturday, July 22nd 2017, 12:13am

Author: darius darkstar

Turn off Cave of forgotten heroes during events

Dont say Event starts at 14:00 Friday if it wont even be available at that time. And YES! SHUT DOWN DUNGEON! please..

Wednesday, May 10th 2017, 4:15am

Author: darius darkstar

Saying Goodbye to Oriana :((

Always sad to hear these things, we may not have been friends or even known each other but i wish her happiness and to make the best of the time she has left, she was always a strong opponent. she is lucky to have a support system like you. Oriana, this beer is for you

Monday, February 27th 2017, 5:18am

Author: darius darkstar

How to Fix Flash Pop-up - Guide

Underworld i tried this method before the problem was fixed and it did not work for me. it was same as it was in client. it seems this method is hit and miss so everone knows.

Friday, February 24th 2017, 7:11pm

Author: darius darkstar

Flash player settings window

worked! thank you

Friday, February 24th 2017, 6:47pm

Author: darius darkstar

Flash player settings window

a small adobe flash players settings window has appeared in the center of my location screen, i cannot close it and i cannot even move locations, someone please help, how can i get rid of this?

Wednesday, February 8th 2017, 7:08am

Author: darius darkstar

When you feel like fish- quest

ok thank you for info

Wednesday, February 8th 2017, 5:27am

Author: darius darkstar

When you feel like fish- quest

game library shows seasonal quest is recurring every 24 hours, but it is not recurring for me. is this an error with library info? or a bug?

Thursday, January 26th 2017, 4:09am

Author: darius darkstar

Official Turkish server?

Quoted from "Armagedon" I'm not a turkish player but there is already not enough players here. Some levels are completely dead. So if you take the turkish players out, you might as well close this server. This game needs more players together, not the opposite and removing a group to another server. Makes no sense. Exactly