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Search results 1-20 of 114.

Wednesday, January 12th 2022, 8:35pm

Author: Esperion

[JANUARY EVENT] Welcome to Las WoDas!

bottom top middle middle top bottom bottom

Wednesday, December 29th 2021, 2:11pm

Author: Esperion

[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - New Years draw

08-18-16-38 01-15-25-39 21-27-37-07 04-14-23-49

Thursday, December 2nd 2021, 10:01pm

Author: Esperion

[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - December draw

09-21-26-19 28-09-33-42 08-35-32-13 01-18-23-14

Tuesday, November 23rd 2021, 4:29pm

Author: Esperion


i mean no more random whacking.

Tuesday, November 23rd 2021, 2:49pm

Author: Esperion


Quoted from "Deathwish" my opinion has always been the same, protect everyone or no one, simply keep it fair, i havent changed this position. as for lvl 20 getting protection to hunt, im sure lower lvls would like to do chaos rep on faygo with protection too, but its a war game so they dont, im sure lvl 11+ would like protection in mage lands, but they dont get it. and its not just a attack rule, it als protects from negative effects (which players can actually protect themselves from, and even...

Monday, November 15th 2021, 4:33pm

Author: Esperion

Broken stuff [Post HERE!]

Also every time i open news it gets me to a facebook like button plugin Has been resolved

Monday, November 15th 2021, 4:32pm

Author: Esperion

Broken stuff [Post HERE!]

16:29 Received: Sweet Fourteenth Birthday Cake 100 pcs. 16:29 Anniversary Elixir of Giant 4 pcs, Anniversary Elixir of Life 4 pcs, Anniversary Elixir of Mana 12 pcs, Anniversary Extract of Power 44 pcs, Anniversary Extract of Blood 28 pcs, Anniversary Extract of Vampirism 24 pcs, Anniversary Elixir of Invulnerability 1 pcs, Anniversary Elixir of Hurricane 1 pcs, Anniversary Elixir of Rock Skin 1 pcs, Anniversary Elixir of Destruction 1 pcs 16:29 You have received a reward for 12 completed journe...

Friday, October 29th 2021, 12:31am

Author: Esperion

Pots not there

I claimed 2 days of the 14th anniversary event but i only have 500 of each extract.. Is that what it's meant to be or

Thursday, October 28th 2021, 1:58am

Author: Esperion

[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - November draw

07-48-26-29 25-19-33-41 18-35-21-23 11-32-43-38

Thursday, September 30th 2021, 8:00pm

Author: Esperion

Auction new request problem

can we also put in a category for weapon certs?

Wednesday, September 29th 2021, 6:33pm

Author: Esperion

[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - October draw

01-11-26-45 22-16-32-38 03-19-35-41 08-23-48-50

Friday, September 10th 2021, 7:40pm

Author: Esperion

[SEPTEMBER EVENT] Welcome to Las WoDas!

middle top top bottom middle bottom top

Monday, August 30th 2021, 4:35pm

Author: Esperion

Exchange error

I've been trying to clear it but it still stays as is, not allowing me to do anything through exchange. Anyone else had this problem?

Sunday, March 19th 2017, 6:09pm

Author: Esperion

Effect/valour rate at Talaar

Quoted from "-ShaRPNeSS-" Quoted from "Nefertiti" Quoted from "-UnderWorld-" So you can bless hard as long as you have few hp bless. True, but not entirely The amount of valour you get is calculated by all your stats: Agility, Intuition , Protection, Strength, Vitality(HP). So the greater you buff yourself, the less valour you get (the colour of the buff does count: ex. green soup vs. purple soup). In this case, a purple/red dressed opponent will recive less valour than a blue/green dressed one...

Sunday, March 19th 2017, 5:24pm

Author: Esperion

Effect/valour rate at Talaar

I don't get you low lvls. simple as that. lol. Halls is MOSTLY, repeat MOSTLY about getting the speed and damage in. People with some high level of ego want to stay alive every fight? fine. They're capped and want scalps? fine. I for one would prefer to have 5 quick 1v1 fights and finish 1/4 of the halls with me getting the maximum valor for minimum damage and time for those 5 fights then sit in a 1 hr fight and only get 0-5k valor which seems to be the case for lower levels. Overbuffing and sta...

Saturday, March 18th 2017, 3:39pm

Author: Esperion

Scythe Reaper not working ?

Counts toward trophy rep, not scalps at all.

Sunday, March 12th 2017, 4:01am

Author: Esperion

i'm so lucky

Quoted from "-MED-" Soon you will face with "random" on stucks of weakness effects on nepherto monsters Soon? more like 3-5 years from now tbh. Also, on another note, it's not even funny when nepherto are dropping 3+ weakness every, single, bloody ******** fight. And it gets even worse when nepherto drop from 38-80s but from 1 full hr hunt i see only 4 fights where i have passed 70s.