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Search results 1-13 of 13.

Saturday, June 29th 2024, 12:36am

Author: Kaalia

[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - July draw

14-24-45-09 50-10-25-23 10-30-31-33 07-18-06-04

Friday, January 5th 2024, 9:08pm

Author: Kaalia

Wedding Application Form - Humans

Quoted from "Kaalia" 1. Link to bridegroom: Quoted from "Kaalia" 1. Link to bridegroom: 2. Link to the bride: [url] 3.19-01-2023 at 20h 4, No preferance of Consecrator [/url]We would like meeri to be our consecrator Approved! Best of luck! 22:15 Gemäß den Gesetzen der Feo-Welt sind seit 19.01.2024 Galaad- [6] und Kaalia [13] rechtmäßige Eheleute.

Friday, January 5th 2024, 4:12pm

Author: Kaalia

Wedding Application Form - Humans

1. Link to bridegroom: 2. Link to the bride: 3.19-01-2023 at 20h 4, No preferance of Consecrator

Tuesday, December 26th 2023, 1:12am

Author: Kaalia

Divorce procedure - Humans I want to divorce, because he is inactiv Divorce granted. Better luck next time.

Monday, October 30th 2023, 3:14am

Author: Kaalia

Fifteenth Anniversary Guide / The Heavenly Valley of the Dwarves

A young female member of the gnome clan telling fortunes for visitors to the celestial fair. Unlike most of her dignified people, she is more excitable, but still has a gentle nature. She's friendly to any strangers, yet doesn’t miss an opportunity to relieve the odd purse of a couple of clinking coins. Only in return for a truthful prediction, of course! Quest stage I have questions - you have answersWhat character level is required for joining the brotherhood of Trophy Hunters?From Level 3.Fr...

Friday, October 27th 2023, 3:24am

Author: Kaalia

Fifteenth Anniversary Guide / The Heavenly Valley of the Dwarves

Quoted from "Kaalia" I have questions - you have answers Who did the Goddess Sheara succeed? A’Aron the Just. A’Aron the Harsh. Andelvan the Fierce. Andelvan the Just. ? A’Aron the Just.

Friday, October 27th 2023, 1:22am

Author: Kaalia

Fifteenth Anniversary Guide / The Heavenly Valley of the Dwarves

I have questions - you have answers Who did the Goddess Sheara succeed? A’Aron the Just. A’Aron the Harsh. Andelvan the Fierce. Andelvan the Just. ?

Wednesday, September 27th 2023, 1:50pm

Author: Kaalia

[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - October draw

18-69-04-50 14-25-06-49 01-28-23-40 05-20-35-42

Sunday, January 15th 2023, 6:47pm

Author: Kaalia

[JANUARY] Welcome to LasWodas

Top Middle Bottom Top Bottom Middle Top

Monday, November 26th 2018, 4:54pm

Author: Kaalia

Wedding Application Form - Humans

Im agree Quoted from "Masstador" Weddings between Kaalia and Masstador 1,.- Link to the bridegroom Weddings between Kaalia and Masstador 1,.- Link to the bridegroom 2.- Link to the to the bride Weddings between Kaalia and Masstador 1,.- Link to the bridegroom [url=''] 2.- Link to the to the bride [url]

Wednesday, April 2nd 2014, 7:25pm

Author: Kaalia



Tuesday, April 1st 2014, 5:39pm

Author: Kaalia


i apologize in advance for my bad english. i use the translator to better understand Hello I come from the waiter(server) fr