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Friday, December 9th 2011, 12:22am

Author: Jetshock

lilimeer abusing game glitch

It's called fast trading: he must be good at clicking rapidly to change numbers fast while the thing tries to download. I've seen this too many times in other games, so i rarely bother selling personal unless it's clannie or a friend.

Tuesday, December 6th 2011, 5:57pm

Author: Jetshock

money missing

I was doing the well event and for some reason my money went from 125g to 102g within 1 go of a click, i only got 1 weak giant and i paid 23g for it?

Sunday, December 4th 2011, 5:49pm

Author: Jetshock

.PL server lag

I can only say one thing to avoid it is to not use client during a cc event or anything like that: i had problems with client while i was in PL. cc, but i turned it off and went to chrome and it works fine, just have to refresh once in a while. Hope it helps.

Monday, November 21st 2011, 5:36am

Author: Jetshock

war of worlds counter not working

Same here i have 5 cc wins and i don't have 25 points just 20 points.

Sunday, November 20th 2011, 6:04pm

Author: Jetshock

fireflowers are lost

close it please i found it.

Sunday, November 20th 2011, 5:56pm

Author: Jetshock

fireflowers are lost

I put up 70 fireflowers for 10g on Bid so i can leave it there to pick it up after my cc, i needed space for cc and after i come back it's not there anymore, no one bought it or anything. Now it's today and i still see that i don't have 70 fireflowers nor are they in Auction house. where did my fireflowers go?

Thursday, November 17th 2011, 5:03pm

Author: Jetshock


On the intermerged battle fields i finished the battle field, but i got nothing. no scalps, no valor. what's going on?

Wednesday, November 16th 2011, 12:36am

Author: Jetshock

lucky star

23:33 You have received: Lucky Star 1 pcs Same also i just got it dunno what's going on lol

Tuesday, November 15th 2011, 3:26am

Author: Jetshock


lol that's true, it gives some good things like ambush and hiding lol. but they aren't strong in attack as nords are i think. not stat wise, but like overall rofl i might be wrong.

Sunday, November 13th 2011, 5:34am

Author: Jetshock


u crazy fairy? altmers would destroy them lol. i think i'll settle redguards or altmer now

Sunday, November 13th 2011, 12:46am

Author: Jetshock


lol nice one. I'm still considering rofl and i think imperial or nord for the balanced class, or something that gives a fast type class lol.

Saturday, November 12th 2011, 4:33pm

Author: Jetshock


LOL Chili i'll see you there m8 i got mine too and downloaded you have to tell me what race

Saturday, November 12th 2011, 3:28am

Author: Jetshock

what happened in demo cave??

ah thanks dullahan that clears up lol i got shocked when i saw him lol. i know about the lvl up cc (i did it myself when i was my former char) but really demo was a shocker lol.

Friday, November 11th 2011, 11:07pm

Author: Jetshock

what happened in demo cave??…t=0&server_id=0 is that even allowed? a lvl 6 can't join a 1-5 demo fight.

Sunday, October 16th 2011, 2:51am

Author: Jetshock

new warrior's blessing

I had new warriors blessing since my 2nd day here and now it disappeared. it was supposed to be a 90 day period of the blessing but i don't have it anymore. where did it go?

Tuesday, September 27th 2011, 10:45pm

Author: Jetshock

turq dust

umm for some reason when i read turq dust it says dragon blood, ground into fine dust. Fix that plz or i should be getting dragon blood? lol