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Saturday, September 21st 2024, 2:10pm

Author: KuroNikki

Wedding Application Form - Magmars

1. Link of the Bridegroom:…5de644420bb1a67 2. Link of the Bride:…b838d4b29c874a3 3. Preferred Time and Date of Marriage: any time or date. 4. Consecrator: any Approved Until 07.10.2024

Tuesday, April 2nd 2024, 3:15pm

Author: KuroNikki

Mysterious letters

Hellow, Here a list of all mysterious letter combinations: 1- Б У К Е Т = Reward: Men's bouquet 2- М Е Ч = Reward: Pencil Stiletto 3- К О Т И К = Reward: Fluffy Fatty 4- Л Е Г Е Н Д А = Mysterious Gift 5- Л А Г И = Reward: Barrel 6- К Н И Г А = Reward: Saucy Love Story 7- Н У Д И С Т = Reward: Sweet Kitty 8- П Д У Н = Reward: Sweet Kitty 9- Б А Р Ы Г А = Reward: Sweet Kitty 10- К Л О У Н = Reward: Plush Jester 11- А Д М И Н = Reward: Cuddly Admin 12- Д Р А К О Н = Reward: Archie the Dragon Combi...

Saturday, March 2nd 2024, 3:31pm

Author: KuroNikki

[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - March draw

42-25-30-06 05-14-17-08 01-03-04-15 28-14-19-16

Tuesday, January 16th 2024, 8:15pm

Author: KuroNikki

[JANUARY] Stage 2 - Welcome to LasWoDas!

Top Middle Middle Bottom Middle Top Bottom

Wednesday, December 6th 2023, 6:58pm

Author: KuroNikki


1. Link to the bridegroom: 2. Link to the bride: 3. The desired time and date will be agreed with Consecrator 4.Link to the chosen Consecrator: We will choose the date and the important details later with the Consecrator Approved - until 20.12.2023 17:18 As of 17.12.2023, KuroNikki [12] and...

Thursday, June 9th 2022, 9:47pm

Author: KuroNikki

Wedding Application Form - Magmars

1: Link to the bridegroom: 2: Link to the bride: 3: Preferred time and date: 17.06.2022 at 6pm if possible 4: choosen Consecrator:…b99824830381691 Approved.

Saturday, April 3rd 2021, 10:03pm

Author: KuroNikki

[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - APRIL Draw

02-42-9-14 49-05-01-02 50-11-12-13 20-05-06-04

Thursday, December 28th 2017, 3:19pm

Author: KuroNikki

[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - January Draw

5 - 21 - 14 - 11 1- 4 - 1 - 11 2 - 22 - 49 -8 9- 12- 25-21