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Monday, December 7th 2020, 4:08pm

Rewards from Precious Chests - Worthwile? A Statistic including Horseshoes...

Dear Folks,

a time ago i thought i was done with statistics about rewards and luck chances as i already did those
of Urchi Gift, Reward Caskets, Prize Warrior Chests and about Extra Resources.

Last week i actually changed my mind as i played some Luck Glow and got many chest, "Precious Chest", which
are probably the most common item with "luck factor" and common from low level untill high level mage life...

See attached some statistics (divided into chest level/colour as that makes a difference) about reward / drop
and about horseshoe drop chance as well. For that i opened

1.014 grey,
2.082 green,
2.091 blue and
1.271 purple chests

and noted the outcome. i'm not a great statistics expert, but it should be somewhat empirically reliable :yes:

As i got 5/7,5/9/12,2% drop the Horseshoe probability seems to be
5% from grey
7,5 % from green
10 % from blue
12,5 % from purple

Perhaps its useful for one of you for an open/sell/buy-decicion in future.

If you add some reward-selling prices (or at least the scrap value or an opportunity cost value) you have an
overview about gain or loss.

For myself i did a full cost calculation and put that in relation to the horseshoe outcome, relating to a small
sheet of superprize wins and their selling prices / opprtunity costs again... But thats way to far probably... :rabbit:
zAquisgran has attached the following files:


Monday, December 7th 2020, 5:46pm

Thats a pretty good and informative overview. Thanks :)


Tuesday, December 8th 2020, 8:29pm

Im just wondering. How many rares did you get from all those chests and at how many HS? Or no idea? :)


Wednesday, December 9th 2020, 3:38am

Still cant quote here, even if i click "quote"... no idea...


If you mean superprizes: Have been 2,
1x Titan Sash and 1x War Mage Amulet

With getting 546 times +1 Horseshoes but no idea where i started, i think i
began with 2 or 3 golden horseshoes at saturday and ended up with 5-2-9 yesterday.

But even if i can tell i had situation of 10 silver + 11 copper :pain: i didnt wrote
down when golden dropped or at what stage of golden horseshoes my superprizes dropped.

Could be anothwer idea of a future statistic but atm i am TIRED :sleep:


Wednesday, December 9th 2020, 8:08am

Guess ill just have to dump more gold myself and try to find out some of the statistics :)

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