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Saturday, January 12th 2013, 2:36pm

Author: Bighead-

Full guide to the BoV including costs.

thanks for comments, hope it helps, Nice link shadowone, put's it in a very nice easy to read way. I was just rather surprised how many EE's were needed for even a grey badge, was expecting it to be roughly half that or less. Ah well, nothing comes cheaply in this game

Tuesday, January 8th 2013, 11:06pm

Author: Bighead-

Full guide to the BoV including costs.

i realise i have forgotten the fact increasing you healer skill will increase your reputation, upto the maximum of 3000. Please post up comments or if it has helped you!

Tuesday, January 8th 2013, 11:05pm

Author: Bighead-

Full guide to the BoV including costs.

This guide is aimed at making people aware of the costs of reaching medals of the Brotherhood of Virtue (bov for short). Let us begin with what the bov is: Simply it is a place where players may exchange evil eyes (EE) and bringer of evil (boe) skulls for emanation of good (eog), and exchange eog for blessing scrolls. If you would like more information about this, there is all you need to know at the mentor site and the library. Library:

Saturday, December 1st 2012, 12:43am

Author: Bighead-

General guide for new players into mob hunting. Levels 1-3. Includes quests, drops and prices.

Interesting note which i did not know, gizedors task no longer "requires" vet demon dogs and can use the level 3 demon dogs instead. Drunk on blood does still require vet demon dogs. thanks to densetsu for the info. can confirm warped was an account i tried out for mags.

Saturday, October 20th 2012, 12:49pm

Author: Bighead-

problem with fraud

unless you used the trade contract area here on the forum, there is nothing you can do except try more trustworthy players. Sorry for your loss. My suggestion is, is to only let players whom already have 5g to buy the cards trade with you, unless you want more of this in the future. All loans without the use of the forum trade area is simply giving another player your gold, with only a chance they send it back. As an example i have sent a clan member ~5.5 gold, if they decide to quit tommorrow a...

Tuesday, October 16th 2012, 11:18pm

Author: Bighead-

General guide for new players into mob hunting. Levels 1-3. Includes quests, drops and prices.

seeing i can't edit, note for update: Gloum's "reward" for vaslav's wallet is 2 gold, not 1. Thanks to Allyzter/Serende for info.

Sunday, October 14th 2012, 4:06am

Author: Bighead-

General guide for new players into mob hunting. Levels 1-3. Includes quests, drops and prices.

So, this guide is because i see lots of new players going round at the moment, generally in full hunter/cutthroat gear. The aim of this guide is to get people with around 10 golds worth The main aim of this guide is to give you a good idea of how the game works by letting you play it out, and to give you a very usable account in terms of gold gained. I also notice a lot of underbidding, i hope this educates players especially about ludial links/other items and their value. Spoke with a player wh...