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Thursday, August 18th 2011, 11:01pm

Author: BFK

12:38 Cross Knight : Did you come across strange Collector's Figurines in the last weeks? Read here to reveal their secret!

Current goal: The antiquarian will do further research about the collector’s figurines and try to find out what they are all about. When you have found the figurines 1, 2, 3, and 7, return to the Antiquarian. There are all figures, the antiquary with me doesn't speak about quest continuation ((

Thursday, July 21st 2011, 10:10am

Author: BFK

Divorce procedure - Magmars

1 BFK 2 Gector 3 we are different it caused us some problemes so we dicided to divorce

Sunday, November 28th 2010, 4:28pm

Author: BFK


Пришла на ярмарку, смотрю облом с топорами. Купила се жалкий подарок за 5 открываю и получаю: 15:20 Brilliant Hurricane Axe 1 pcs, Brilliant Deviation Axe 1 pcs