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Wednesday, February 28th 2024, 10:15pm

Author: destoisback

[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - March draw

12-18-14-11 42-48-45-49 34-31-33-37 01-08-05-06

Monday, September 18th 2023, 3:03pm

Author: destoisback

Monster Blood Alchemy / Blood Hunter Alchemy

1. Monster Hunt and Blood Collection: To get monster blood, hunters must go on dangerous expeditions and fight monsters. Once the monster is defeated, the blood is carefully collected and stored in special containers. To Start Colleting the Blood Special containers and Blood Ritual-Knife must be bougth at NPC (Blood-Alchemist Raven) and Quest has to be Started The blood must then be extracted and purified for each EXP grade and Monster Diffrent Materials ->> to make buffs. 2.index.php?page=Attac...

Tuesday, August 8th 2023, 12:52am

Author: destoisback

[AUGUST EVENT] Clan Wars Season 2023

A Report on the Clanwar Written in the Past and to Becoming the Future end. (Based on tru story) The warriors on both sides were armed to the tips of their hair and ready to fight for the honor of their clan. Among them were some of the most fearless and skillful warriors ever seen on the battlefield. When the two armies met a veritable storm of violence was unleashed. Amidst the bloody clan wars between the warriors Khair and Orgj, a warrior of the continent of Khair emerged, endowed with an ex...