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Saturday, July 29th 2023, 9:53pm

Author: - zvezda lila -

das normale Können hier

ich habe die idee das im Kampf die Fähigkeiten des Bogens auf russisch polnisch deutsch eglish japanesisch chinsisch ägyptisch klingonisch latainisch sinti + allen ....... ist das ne idee wenn alle es lesen könnten ach wie schön es dan in feo ist

Thursday, July 27th 2023, 11:54am

Author: - zvezda lila -

actual situation/events-advices to admins

it's only fair that hard work is fairly rewarded there are fewer and fewer players so the few that are there have to pay more to cover expenses you understand what they are supposed to do when everyone leaves ich hör mal auf mit meinem sarkasmuss will dich nur bischen ärgärn bärchen

Thursday, July 27th 2023, 11:45am

Author: - zvezda lila -

actual situation/events-advices to admins

don't get upset i can reassure you that next time it won't cost gold but only 5 euros or 10 brilliants and the next but one time it will cost 50 and 100 so don't get so excited about a ridiculous 1 gold 60

Saturday, July 8th 2023, 6:43pm

Author: - zvezda lila -

Oben Oben Unten Mitte Unten Mitte Oben

Quoted from "Septera" Middle Bottom Middle Top Middle Bottom Top Quoted from "Liusaidh" How to participate? All you have to do is enter a 7-way combination with the options "Top", "Middle" or "Bottom" and post them in the appropriate thread in the forum. How are the combinations selected? Thread will be closed on Tuesday, 11th of July around 18:00 Game time. In the following days administration draws random numbers live. Like that everyone can follow the draw live and make sure that there is no...