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Sunday, January 21st 2024, 5:27pm

Author: Rough Mountain

recovering account

Hi, is there any way to recover account if I have no access to email and phone number that i was useing when a made account? stopped playing a while ago on lvl 15 and wish to come back but don't want to go through everything from begining.

Sunday, July 31st 2022, 3:30pm

Author: Rough Mountain

Old Account

Witam, kilka lat temu gralem w legende. Postac na 15lvlu. To bylo chyba przed polaczeniem serwerow. W kazdym razie gdy probuje sie zalogowac teraz (email i haslo poprawne na 100%) to przenosi mnie na strone czy cos podobnego i nie rozpoznaje hasla itd. Czy musze cos zrobic by odzyskac dostep do konta? Dziekuje za wszelka pomoc