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Search results 1-20 of 69.

Saturday, June 12th 2021, 7:38pm

Author: Escudo_de_roble

Matchday 13th of June, 2021 England 2 : Croatia 1 Austria 2 : North Macedonia 0 Netherlands 1 : Ukraine 0

Thursday, June 10th 2021, 7:35pm

Author: Escudo_de_roble

Matchday 11.06.2021 Turkey 0 : 2 Italy

Tuesday, April 6th 2021, 2:00pm

Author: Escudo_de_roble

[April event] Monday - Puzzles!

Quoted from "Ophiel" that is ridiculous

Tuesday, April 6th 2021, 11:05am

Author: Escudo_de_roble

[April event] Monday - Puzzles!

next time put it 3000 pieces maybe we can solve

Tuesday, April 6th 2021, 9:08am

Author: Escudo_de_roble

[April event] Monday - Puzzles!

Quoted from "Ophiel" Quoted from "Ophiel" The answer is Rabid Scorpolion you can see it here if you want Nice one then mate

Tuesday, April 6th 2021, 9:05am

Author: Escudo_de_roble

[April event] Monday - Puzzles!

Quoted from "Atrocitus" Motorcycle

Monday, April 5th 2021, 11:48pm

Author: Escudo_de_roble

[April event] Monday - Puzzles!

Quoted from "zAquisgran" Quoted from "Atrocitus" Who am I ? hehe Great question nd congrats to Escudo

Monday, April 5th 2021, 11:41pm

Author: Escudo_de_roble

[April event] Monday - Puzzles!

Helderion pg of castle grandfort

Monday, April 5th 2021, 10:42pm

Author: Escudo_de_roble

[April event] Monday - Puzzles!

Answer is Tower Bridge, I don't know if first one counts

Monday, April 5th 2021, 10:37pm

Author: Escudo_de_roble

[April event] Monday - Puzzles!

What is this?

Monday, April 5th 2021, 6:17pm

Author: Escudo_de_roble

[April event] Sunday - FactBox!

2nd time you guys critize saying my challenges are bs, im getting tired....