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Friday, June 24th 2011, 4:29pm

Author: MoSSy

Fight bug?

This has happened twice to me now only at Grotto Maettro. All I saw was 'waiting your turn' and never saw the human, fight ended and no damage was done from any party.

Friday, May 20th 2011, 12:00am

Author: MoSSy

No Rep and no fight seen

Red Axe:I received no rep for this. 22:20 You have completed the quest Red Axes Assignments. BloodBattle - 2nd stage 22:42 You have won the second stage of the Bloodbattles tournament and received the Badge of the Experienced Bloodbattle 1 pcs, which can be used to enter the next stage or be exchanged for a reward. BloodBattle - 3rd stage 22:42 You have entered a Bloodbattles competition... 22:42 You have been attacked by Monster of BloodBattles [8] . This fight never showed on my screen and whe...