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Monday, July 2nd 2012, 12:35pm

Author: meff

This or That

California Ice cream or Milk shake?

Thursday, April 26th 2012, 6:48pm

Author: meff

EVERBODY LOOK! (except yvil)

Sry: ...they go this way...

Thursday, April 26th 2012, 6:45pm

Author: meff

EVERBODY LOOK! (except yvil)

BOOM! [video=youtube;Qjl5eHlaPb8]![/video] RUN! ..they go this way...

Thursday, April 26th 2012, 4:53pm

Author: meff

EVERBODY LOOK! (except yvil)

Aww, sleepy )

Thursday, April 26th 2012, 1:58pm

Author: meff

EVERBODY LOOK! (except yvil)

Pillow Vs. Cat -----1:0-----

Wednesday, April 25th 2012, 12:17pm

Author: meff

EVERBODY LOOK! (except yvil)

Fail in posting

Wednesday, April 25th 2012, 12:16pm

Author: meff

EVERBODY LOOK! (except yvil)

Fail in the try to escape =/

Wednesday, April 25th 2012, 9:06am

Author: meff

EVERBODY LOOK! (except yvil)

I believe I can fly....

Sunday, April 1st 2012, 3:40pm

Author: meff

Crystaline caves 2.0

We got 14 mins late-ending instance glitch in + for russians.. we was stalling not to give them valour the last fight 17:34 DOGfaceBOY63 (DE) : blue 17:20 To forced conclusion of battle "Crystal Caves 2.0" remaining 20secs. It had to end at 17:21…107099&finish=0 Strange how it ended 14 mins late and it change also in the top right ending timer

Saturday, March 10th 2012, 7:57pm

Author: meff

Leechers in Inter-Server CCs

Yes, we had vry famous leecher... He just died and didn't resurect.. He even didn't asnwer, he even didn't say that he is attacked or that he attacked someone (probably even not on the computer) We were strong group and was going to win but he died in the first 10 mins and was sitting in base as ghost. This is 2nd time he is doing like this in instance with me. Ppl who were weaker than him didn't gave up even for a second.. So better make interserver Guards or something like group between the gu...

Saturday, March 3rd 2012, 3:57am

Author: meff

Mouth of Fortune SERIUOS BUG!

Oh, yes, and now Im throwing the things which came in my bag )

Saturday, March 3rd 2012, 3:56am

Author: meff

Mouth of Fortune SERIUOS BUG!

I was throwing some silvers bevore I move when I notice that it not takes my money. I noticed it late coz I was clicking fast and waiting for the window " you don't have 20 silver" but when it didnt show chat log refreshed and i saw that: :50 You take a handful of coins from your pocket and, without a thought, throw it into the mouth of the fissure. After turning in the air a few times the coins bounce with a ringing sound off the walls of the abyss and fall into the darkness. 02:50 You whisper ...