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Sunday, June 19th 2011, 10:20am

Undead Rep Glitch

I did Derelict House Solo today to the Phantom boss. But once i killed the Phantom there must have been a glitch with the rep i got as i only got 1 undead rep for killing the Phantom. Has this changed with update? Usually you got 50 rep for kill the bosses in DH. I just wanted to be sure and see if this was glitch or not. Here are my logs to prove it:

08:43 You have attacked Phantom Corpse [3][>[href=].
08:43 Fight begun: Attack on Phantom Corpse[href=].
08:43 You have summoned your steed to help! It will fight fearlessly for you!
08:43 -Dark_Wolf- used an Amulet of Poisonous Berona Tiger to summon a poisonous Berona Tiger to attack .
08:43 You have summoned a Saber-tooth Tiger Wraith to your aid.
08:43 -Dark_Wolf- used a Tiger Amulet of Call to summon a Tiger Wraith to attack .
08:43 You have summoned a Saber-tooth Tiger Wraith to your aid.
08:43 -Dark_Wolf- used a Tiger Amulet of Call to summon a Tiger Wraith to attack .
08:45 You have summoned a Saber-tooth Tiger Wraith to your aid.
08:45 -Dark_Wolf- used a Tiger Amulet of Call to summon a Tiger Wraith to attack .
08:48 Struggling to find a location, resource, monster or NPC? Use the Navigator[href=] by clicking the compass button on the right-hand side of the screen.
08:51 Fight ended: Attack on Phantom Corpse[href=].
08:51 Received: 1 Hunters of the Undead reputation.
08:51 » Small Byal Rune Key: Your party received Small B'yal Rune Key[href=]*1 pcs.
08:51 » Small Byal Rune Key: You have received items Small B'yal Rune Key[href=] 1 pcs

Thank you for your time :drink:
Life is like watching a cookie crumble, sometimes you get big chunks of sweetness while at others you can barely see any at all.


Sunday, June 19th 2011, 8:23pm

Vampire [5] (4 pcs per group)

Revenant [5] (4 pcs per group)

Phantom Corpse [3] (5 pcs per group)
(1) up to 1000

For killing Revrat.
(50) up to 500

For killing Galmakhar and Zermerkh.
(50) up to 1000

For killing Lingraonts
(50)up to 1500

For killing Agudar the Knight and Levreta.
(50) up to 1500

For killing Zuliman.
(50) up to 2000

For killing Magish's Bone Golem.
(50) up to 2500

For killing Fallen King Magish
(50) up to 3000

no glitch only 1 for phantom corpse:)


Tuesday, June 21st 2011, 12:25pm

There is no glitch here.